Current Hours:
Saturdays 8a-1p
Wednesdays 9a-1p

Current Hours:
Saturdays 8a-1p
Wednesdays 9a-1p

Fridge Perishable

  • Bad Dog Salsa

"Verde" Medium Salsa (16 oz)

  • Shrubwell Drink Mixers

Plum + Date Rosemary Shrubwell Mixer

$10.00 - $24.00
  • Milk of Life

Almond Milk

$9.00 - $16.00
  • Raul's Cocina


  • FernDiggidy Sweets & Treats

Vegan Peach Cobbler

  • Meals of Life

Overnight Oats (8 oz)

  • Amadio Ranch

Apple Pie (Vegan)
