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Current Summer Hours:
Saturday: 7a-11a
Wednesday: closed
Online Market: closed
PErIODyC BaKEr specializes in Quality Small Batch Handmade Jams, Preserves, Jellies, Fruit Butters, Marmalades, and Tasty Baked Goods.
This local small business is dedicated to sharing jarred fresh fruit flavors so you too can see how wonderful fresh fruit-forward jam is, and all that can be done with it (from sweet dessert and breakfast dishes to savory lunch and dinner recipes). There are currently 30 - 40 flavors (depending on seasonality) to experience.
The tasty quality handmade baked goods offered are available on rotation at the PErIODyC BaKEr booth in the market. We offer a range of baked goods from our irresistible s'mores brownies and variety of cookies to our mini quick bread loaves and pastries such as our kolaches and hand pies that use fresh in-season fruit.
This adventure began as a way to indulge a love of baking, and support for our community. For the last 5 ½ years, more than 13,000 desserts have been baked and donated to The Joy Bus Charity “More Than a Meal Program” providing meals for homebound cancer patients here in Phoenix. This led to donating jams to The Joy Bus Diner, further supporting the meal program. We donate a portion of our jam sales to the Joy Bus Charity.
Pre-orders are welcome. Place your order via email or website 48 hours in advance and it will be ready and waiting for you at the PErIODyC BaKEr booth. Pre-orders must be picked up prior to 1-hour before the market closes. See you at the market!!
For more information about PErIODyC BaKEr, where to find us, products and pre-order shopping, please visit the website at
PErIODyC BaKEr can also be found on Facebook and Instagram (@periodycbaker).